TagHoliday season DIY: Personalised festive tea lights
Calling all candle lovers! We have found the Holiday season DIY : Personalised festive tea lights.
Make them for you to add a special tou..
Christmas DIY: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer tree decoration
Not long now before Santa and his reindeers starts their journey round the world, that gives just enough time to make one more Christmas D..
Make your Advent calendar: 24 countdown stickers and our DIY ideas
We love everything Christmassy here at Mine4Sure and some in the team start getting ready as soon as they have packed their Halloween deco..
Frightfully easy Halloween recipes: Mummies toasts and Witches brooms
Want to impress your hungry monsters for Halloween ? The Mine4Sure team has rose up to the challenge and we have found some frightfully ea..
Halloween candy treasure hunt free printable
With the back to school rush over, our minds are already focusing on the next celebrations coming up : Halloween ! Things are getting bett..
Spookily fun DIY: Halloween origami finger game
Boooooooh ! Halloween is just around the corner !
To keep the kids busy until then and get in the mood for October 31, we have designed t..
How many sleeps until…? Start counting with our rainbow countdown chart!
Grasping the concept of time is not an easy task for children. For proof, how many times have we heard « Are we there yet ? », « Is it tod..
Teacher’s gift: Our free printable to say Thank You!
Soon…the end of the school year, the summer holidays and the time we say goodbye and thank you to all the great teachers, who have cared f..
Lion’s head spring DIY : Create a flowery lion’s mane
Yes, spring is definitely in the air! We are all enjoying being out again and discovering all that nature’s offering in our gardens!
But ..
Easter decor : A DIY the Easter Bunny’s going to love!
Who does not love bunnies?? Especially at this time of year when bunnies might also mean chocolate 😉
Perfect to bring a touch of Easter ..